
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Playa-Hata @ Walmart - Playa: Sduramom

Playa-Hata ALERT!!!!
view situation
Playa: Sduramom
Aw man, I feel sorry for you!! Been there, done that, walking out and leaving an entire cartload after carefully shopping and matching up qs. The only thing I can say, is CALL BENTONVILLE!! Let them know how you spent your time selecting quality items that your family needed, used your gas--make sure you tell them that gas is $x.xx in your area and you cannot afford to be wasting it, to give them your business and poor education and false information on their part caused you to leave $xxx cart sitting. Make sure you add in approx. how much you purchase from them on a weekly, biweekly or monthly basis (before qs) "I give WM $400 a week worth of sales" "If you don't need my $21,000 a year in sales, let me know, I can take my hard-earned money elsewhere"

It worked for me and within 3 days I had the DM calling me and educating the store (rather harshly, I'm told) Especially with the economy taking a nose-dive again--people can't afford to buy a lot when they are paying $3.50+ for a gallon of gas--WM sales have really been sucking--corporate is going to get with the DM and insist that corporate policy be followed, not ignored. Don't let this go--get on the phone or email and make it work, you will benefit in the end


  1. I hate it when this happens, I have walked out on many carts in the past, It's been a while, but I stopped shopping at WalMart for almost a year til yesterday, I carefully went in to test out the new policy, I got lucky, my total went from $57 to $4 after coupons and overage :)

  2. Wow!! Great Job. I can't wait to test it at the Walmart on Hwy 6S. The manager there told me he would let me "just this one time" use my $1 coupons on the salt deal because Walmart didnt except coupons that exceed the price of the item.
