
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Deuces -

deuce 2 (ds, dys) Informal
1. The devil: "Love is a bodily infirmity . . . which breaks out the deuce knows how or why" (Thackeray).
2. An outstanding example, especially of something difficult or bad: had a deuce of a time getting out of town; a deuce of a family row.
3. A severe reprimand or expression of anger: got the deuce for being late.
4. Used as an intensive: What the deuce were they thinking of?

when someone holds up two fingers symbolizing "peace" when leaving an establishment, "deuces" is often said.
roscoe: ite, shan'quenetta see y'all tomorrow.
shan'quenetta: ite, deuces!*holds two fingers up*
When you flip that middle finger, and that index finger follows. Giving the "peace out" when you're done with a person...physically, mentally or spiritually.
My girl always be on some B.S. so I had to give her the deuces.
1. way of saying bye or peace

2. on a long 100 cigarette, the way of asking for the last few drags (less than asking for a short)
1. A; dude i gotta go
B; ight deuces

2. A; lemme get shorts on that square
B; its my last one
A; at least let me get deuces then

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