I really didn't know why on different blogs there are always someone talking about how wrong it is to buy many items and stockpile. They would say its wrong to do that, you need to donate the items.... I would always asked myself why to they feel its wrong to buy enough items to last you until the next sale or get extra to give to family and friends. If you get it free and share why not?
I understand a little bit better now for some of them after talking to a close friend. She told me when she looks at couponers stockpiling she can't take it. That it just too much. She said she could only buy two or three alike items and that was all. If she got more she would panic. Her home has few items in it, she also has few clothes. She only have one pair of shoes. Everything is in place and a place for everything. You should see her coupons (only a few). She said too much over takes her. So now when I hear people saying thats just too Much!!! I will think twice before judging.
I'm a bit on the fence...I don't mind having a stock pile of noodles,toothpaste, soaps, paper products, but how many bottles of hot sauce does ONE really need!!!??? AT my house 0 so I leave it there for whomever really likes it. I also think if your kids room has boxes of water&dish soap(because you've run out of room anyplace else) and no toys you've crossed a line. IMHO =)
ReplyDeleteSometimes, its the thrill of getting it free. That you can take a piece of paper and use it as currency. The magic of coupons. For me its a natural high. I love making care packages with the items I get.